Connect ServiceNow CLI with UI Component

1. Follow a course

Firstly You can follow a course “External Component Development” in NowLearning platform

Below You can find steps I executed.

2. Install nodejs, npm

As described in the course, install nodejs and npm. I have below versions:

> node -v
npm -v

3. Install ServiceNow CLI

Download ServiceNow CLI installator from ServiceNow Store by searching for “ServiceNow CLI”

Install ServiceNow CLI on your local machine.

4. Set SNC profile

Run below command and fill information to connect to your developer instance.

snc configure profile set

It will ask for host, login method, username, password and output format. I’ve chosen Basic authentication and JSON format.

5. Install UI Component

You can check for available extensions by executing below command:

snc extension list-available -o table

If ui-component is not installed install it with below command:

snc extension add --name ui-component

Verify the extension was installed by running the following commands

snc ui-component --help

snc ui-component --version

6. Login to the instance from UI Component

This step is ommited in the course.

Execute below command with host and credentials replaced:

snc ui-component login --host {host} --method "basic" --username {username} --password {password}

7. Create a component project

Execute below command:

snc ui-component project --name @{company-name}/{project-name} --description '{description}' --profile {default or profile-name}

8. Fix warnings

To fix warnings installing CLI Metadata application should help as described here:

· servicenow, ui-builder, sn-cli, language-en